The Islanders

One day I will get us home. I promise.

An animated feature.

Based on the life of Olivier Bancoult and the Chagossian People.

For more info, watch John Pilger’s
Stealing a Nation.

Written by
Jörg Tittel & Sam Snape

Directed by
Jörg Tittel

Produced by
Alex Helfrecht & Jörg Tittel

Status: in development

The Islanders is an animated feature film inspired by historical events, to continue the tradition of recent Oscar winner Persepolis and Golden Globe winner Waltz with Bashir.

The film tells the beautiful and innocent story of two island children as they respond, in their own very special way, to having their childhood wrenched from them and being ousted from their homes.

It is a story of hope over expectation. Of dreams over reality.

We are also designing an iOS game, which is thematically linked to The Islanders.

As well as announcing the film, the game will help raise awareness and funds for the Chagos Refugees Group and related organisations and causes.

Jörg Tittel with Olivier Bancoult and Chagossians at the House of Lords, June 2008.
Jörg Tittel with Olivier Bancoult and Chagossians at the House of Lords, June 2008.